Posted by: gcarkner | January 22, 2014

Regent Bookstore Apologetics

Regent Bookstore  Apologetics Gold

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UBC has a great bookstore as most students know, but Regent Bookstore, within Regent College, right at Gate One (Wesbrook Mall @ University Boulevard) is a not-to-be-missed intellectual goldmine on campus. I believe that it is one of the most comprehensive theological, faith and culture bookstores in Canada. They have so much good literature and recordings.

You simply have to check it out personally; you will not regret it.

The Grand Tour  We want to take you on a mini-tour of the Apologetics Section. Also take note of the special Fevbruary Regent conference on Justice . Whether you are exploring the Christian faith for the first time, or you are wondering whether to abandon your faith now that you are in higher education and away from Mom & Dad and your home church pastor, or you are looking for convincing explanations of the Christian faith to your colleagues, this is an excellent place to start. Do ask the friendly staff to guide you to this section. By the way, I believe that far too many abandon their religion in undergraduate life without really grappling with the richness and depth of the Christian faith. I came close to doing the same as a student of Biology at Queen’s University. This is unnecessary and often silly! There are answers to your toughest questions by thoughtful scholars from around the globe. “The unexamined life is not worth living” writes Socrates, indicating that the pursuit of wisdom is a critical part of anyone’s education. You are what you read, so pick good books and find a good mentor to help you sort through your questions and doubts. You might want to join the next Apologetics Canada Conference in Burnaby and Abbotsford

March 7 & 8 2014

Some of the Gold:

Surprised by Oxford: A Memoir by Carolyn Weber. This is a thoughtful conversion narrative of a London, Ontario woman who arrived in Oxford as a grad student with no perceived need of God. Hopefully many will find a new faith in God this year at UBC.

Alister McGrath, Intellectuals Don’t Need God. This is an excellent overview of the spectrum of apologetic dialogue. He also writes good material on the history of the relationship between science and theology. Also see his A Fine-Tuned Universe.

For the seeker, you might like Christopher J.H. Wright, The God I Don’t Understand; N.T. Wright, Simply Christian;  John Dickson Life of Jesus; or Philip Yancey The Invisible God.

Kelly Monroe Kullberg of Veritas Forum & Laurel Arrington offer the Christian an intriguing  Faith & Culture Devotional

Tim Keller’s (an intellectual Presbyterian pastor in Manhattan) material on dialogue with tough questions is popular but thoughtful: The Reason for GodThe Prodigal God

For the student of Apologetics: Kreeft & Tacelli, Handbook of Christian Apologetics;Paul Chamberlain, Why People Don’t Believe. (see also his  Can We be Good Without God?); Ravi Zaccharius, Deliver Us From Evil; Charles Taylor A Secular Age; Brad Gregory, The Unintended Reformation; Francis Collins, The Language of God; C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity; Eric Metaxus.

Try a powerful intellect in David Bentley Hart, The Experience of God. or N.T.Wright’s books on Jesus or Paul, Alvin Plantinga on Warranted Christian Belief.; Thomas Morris, Making Sense of it All.; Charles Taylor’s Dilemmas ad Connections.; Mortimer Adler’s Ten Philosophical Mistakes; W. Jay Wood’s Epistemology: Becoming Intellectually Virtuous.; Budziszewski’s Written on the Heart; MacIntyre’s Whose Justice? Which Rationality? 

And there is much more… You get the picture; there’s lots to expand and stimulate the mind and the imagination. Check the Apologetics Resources section of this blog

Gord Carkner, PhD Philosophical Theology, University of Wales

See Conferences Button on this blog for Apologetics Canada Conference March 7 & 8, 2014
Join our book study on Monday at 12 noon Barber Library Room 316

Workshop to come at Apologetics Canada Conference: 12 noon, March 8 Willingdon Church, Burnaby 

Title: Monopolizing Knowledge: Scientism and the Search for Reality

Speaker: Gordon Carkner 

 Science is a vital part of our modern culture in the West.  However the contemporary belief that science is the only way to  truth (scientism) is a perversion of science and a major barrier to exploring the benefits of Christiaity. Rooted in the worldview of materialistic naturalism, it  promotes a conflict between science and faith (believed by 70%  of university students). This workshop provides critical  perspective on the character of scientism, as compared to  legitimate scientific work, offering excellent resources to grapple  with this vital apologetic question. SCIENTISM@Missfst

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